A Proven Metro Atlanta Real Estate Marketing Mix
Safely selling Metro Atlanta Residential Real Estate on terms most favorable to the owner is about more than placing a sign in a yard and listing the property in FMLS and GA MLS. Since time is usually of the essence, I make the seller's priorities my own through an effective marketing plan that attracts the ideal buyer, one who is most likely to close quickly, at the best price, and with the fewest contingencies.
Here's how to find Maximum Cash Home Buyers.
Accurately Describe and Disclose with Images
Sellers quickly establish trust with buyers that grows over time, often well beyond the closing, by conveying the full story of their property, warts, and all. Of course, we describe the new doors, roof, siding, etc. And while we don't necessarily zoom in on wall holes or other punch list items during professional photos, we don't willfully hide them either. Valuable market time is saved by working with buyers who are made aware of but cared little about the conditions in need of attention, particularly when buying a home that is selling as is. Ask me about the most common home inspection issues, staging concepts, and ways to prepare your home to sell fast and for more. Then gain added peace of mind by asking about how to provide accurate property descriptions that limit post-sale legal exposure when selling a house in Metro Atlanta.
OFFICE: 770.565.2044 | DIRECT: 770.271.2156 | FAX: 770.271.2156
Drake Realty, Inc., 3535 Roswell Rd, Ste 41, Marietta GA 30062
Price based on the Market and Property Condition
Some owners who sold priced their homes at what they thought was the highest price that the market would bear regardless of the condition, often ultimately forced into accepting an offer for far less than the list price suggested by their agent, and harming other neighborhood property values along the way. Owners who sell as-is fast and for more, however, are flexible, often starting with the highest potential market price and then deducting reasonable dollar amounts for known needed repairs provided in local contractor estimates when necessary, some even retaining those repair quotes for potential cash home buyers. Disclosing the condition and repair estimates establishes trust and encourages stronger offers, often well above the listed price. Position yourself to get more on the sale by learning the most likely selling price for your home in today's Metro Atlanta Real Estate Housing Market. Start with a good home value estimator and then confirm by asking me for a cooperative market analysis on your Metro Atlanta Home before you sell.
Expose the Property to Ideal Buyers
Most Metro Atlanta Real Estate Agents list properties in the FMLS GA and GA Multiple Listing Services where they sync with HOMES.com REALTOR.com, ZILLOW.com, and other popular real estate search engines. I help homeowners go further by disrupting the ideal buyer's routine with virtual property tours, bookmarkable, dedicated websites, YouTube Videos, likable blogs, and social media posts along with other shareable, highly-optimized content distribution methods that create excitement fast and often result in multiple cash offers from those who are most likely to buy, including investors.
"I gave Solomon five stars because he is the most honest and thoughtful person I have ever worked with. I highly recommend him to assist anyone for buying or selling a home."
Promote the Value Proposition
All of the above means nothing without conveying the proper message. That is why I go beyond explaining the same old boring four-bedroom, two-bath floorplan, and neighborhood amenities to create excitement around how the location of their property near one of Gwinnett County's premier award-winning soccer parks serves budding athletes well and describe how the owner can use the third garage bay or other flex space for storage while launching or managing a successful home-based business. The content explains the convenience of having expanding world-class healthcare facilities, supermarkets, rapid transit, resources for businesses large and small, and senior centers all within a short drive of their new or existing ranch-style home, and how those elements of the higher Gwinnett County Quality of Life are just some of the reasons why more buyers make attractive cash offers at and often above the list price.
The term, "we," used here is absolutely intentional since this marketing plan is only successful when executed honestly by both the selling homeowners and me. Further, the tasks are rarely executed in their entirety for all properties sold since each selling homeowner and situation is different. But we always start with the successful end in mind, the easy, timely, and frustration-free sale of the owner's home.
I have been exceeding client expectations in the Metro Atlanta Housing Market since 2006! Consider trusting me with the sale of what may be one of your most valued assets.