OFFICE: 770.565.2044 | DIRECT: 770.271.2156 | FAX: 770.271.2156
Drake Realty, Inc., 3535 Roswell Rd, Ste 41, Marietta GA 30062
Avoid Foreclosure
It is entirely likely that you would like to keep your home rather than sell it. Georgia is a non-judicial state when it comes to foreclosures. In most cases, the lender needs only to publish their intention to foreclose on a subject property for four weeks in the county organ (an established local news outlet) before exercising their right to take possession of a property whose owner is behind on payments. That is why making the agreed-upon payments in a timely manner and communicating with the lender when seasons of difficulty arise are the best ways to prevent foreclosure.
The closing attorney that handled our settlement told us that multiple times when we closed on the purchase of our homes. You'd think that person represented the lender. And do you know what? You are absolutely right. In most instances,...
"The closing attorney that closed our transactions represented the mortgage lender, not the builder, seller, nor broker; not even you. "
Why is that important? They had no obligation whatsoever to advise you that..
The mortgage lender must first work with borrowers who used an FHA Mortgage to buy before foreclosing on their homes
The State of Georgia often has relief programs in place to help borrowers who are upside down or at risk of losing their homes
Local housing counseling agencies will meet with homeowners who are in need of help to discuss their options so that owners can put one or more of them into place and avoid foreclosure.
Yes, one of those options is a short sale and I will help protect your rights, equity, and more in that endeavor, advocating for you as much as possible so that you leave the least amount of money behind. But if you are interested in saving your home with genuine foreclosure help from a former State of Georgia-trained Housing Counselor without assumptions or judgment in Metro Atlanta, I'd welcome the opportunity to speak.
Avoiding foreclosure in Georgia isn't always about selling your home, bankruptcy, or compromising your privacy or title!
Of course, time is of the essence, so please call me at (770) 271-2156 or write me for a free confidential discussion about your specific situation. At the very least, find out what your home is worth, so that you can know how much money is at risk of loss by doing nothing. I may or may not be able to help, even if your mortgage is not insured through FHA, but will listen and share as much as possible.